Yesterday was most certainly a special day for all involved with Forfar Athletic, undoubtedly the biggest since sport and life in general returned to normal après covid.
However with a little ‘rub of the green’ how much more special could it have been?
That is why this Sunday morning we are beginning the important thank you messages with the management and players who on the day against the team currently sitting sixth in the Premiership table gave an outstanding performance and to say the least did the ‘toonie’ proud.
Andy Munro and his colleagues left not ounce of energy, endeavour, call it what you like out on that pitch come the final whistle and especially in the first period had the majority of the goal scoring opportunities.
The reception the players received on the final whistle not only from the fantastic home support but from many Hibs fans into the bargain summed up the ninety plus minutes that went before in a nutshell.
Surely on the evidence of yesterday’s display, in fact the improved performances in recent weeks allied with the undoubted strengthening of the squad there is only one way we can go in the rest of the campaign.
Onwards and upwards we all hope?
Next a thank you to the 1,300 fans who backed the home side on the day.
Athies officials always hoped that they might get within touching distance of selling 1,000 tickets for the tie, but to go past that mark considerably was a real bonus.
Each and every one of you take a pat on the back this morning especially for the way you backed the players from the first to the last whistle.
A special word to the young brigade in the south enclosure who sang and chanted their way through the ninety minutes, drowning out the large contingent of visiting fans throughout the contest.
Before moving on a word of praise as well to the visiting legions who outnumbered the home support on the day two to one as they say.
Thank you for co-operating with the police, stewards etc in surroundings that were ‘foreign’ to you all and we trust all enjoyed what for most would have been their first visit to Station Park.
Many local business’s Saturday trade was well and truly boosted while pubs and clubs enjoyed a lunch time to remember.
The message to ‘Hibees’ supporters - ‘Haste ye back’ anytime.
On the hospitality front thanks to Paul at Alpha Projects, Dave and Scott at D&A Factors, John Bowman and all those at A.I. Simson Solid Fuels for their support on the day in this regard.
All four parties had a great day out.
Thank you also to the forty plus patrons who enjoyed a pre-match meal and a few drinks in the 1984 Lounge and to the supporters who kept the lounge till ringing well into the evening into the bargain.
Before closing a major thank you to all the volunteers, far too many to mention personally, in fact the number probably reached the three figure mark, without whom the successful staging of the game could not have taken place.
From the snow clearers on Friday morning to the bar staff who locked up the premises as ten o’clock approached on Saturday evening each and every one of you is a ‘hero’ in the eyes of those charged with the running of what was proved yet again yesterday;-
Forfar Athletic FC – A True Community Club
C ‘mon the ‘Loons’
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