Official Website
Of The Loons
The Forfar Athletic Board of Directors met last night to discuss the overall picture for the club going forward in the midst of the Coronavirus Pandemic with little if any chance of football being played in this country within the next twelve weeks given current medical advice.
The Chairman and Club Secretary also took part in a Video Conference of all SPFL League One clubs yesterday afternoon involving SPFL and SFA officials and also the SFA Medical Officer.
Though the welfare of citizens throughout the UK and in fact the whole wide world being the most important factor at present, the problems that have been created within the football family are almost academic. However, it is the duty of ‘Loons’ officials to make sure the club survives and is ready and prepared for the resumption of competitive football in this country whenever that may be and that will be no easy task.
The club, like all others, have no ‘concrete’ idea as to when that re-start button will be pushed, at present it has only been confirmed that no competitive football will be played in the UK up to and including 30th April.
No decision has been made or in all honesty, discussed as to whether the current league standings may stand or the season declared null and void in the worst-case scenario.
However back to the predicament in front of Forfar Athletic as a club moving forward.
When the virus struck, the club’s finances were at best ‘ticking’ over with a very small overdraft situation.
However, we are now in the position that the only guaranteed income we have until the end of the financial year on May 31st is the £8,000 that was guaranteed from the SFA this week and a minor payment of under £3,000 due from the SPFL in early April.
The payment from the SFA it must also be remembered is only an advance on monies we would have received later in the year in any case, but nevertheless welcome.
There are other small amounts forthcoming, but these are negated by a few invoices that have still to be paid.
On the flip side, we anticipate that the club will lose out financially without a doubt on the following due to circumstance no one could have foreseen;-
Anticipated Gate Income from remaining four home league games including what was likely to be the biggest crowd of the season against Falkirk on Saturday week - £25,000 approx
Match Sponsorship, Hospitality etc at these games - £20,000
Cancellation of Ladies Dinner scheduled for 27.3.20 - £10,000
Likely cancellation of Sportsman’s Dinner still to be confirmed and currently scheduled for 22.5.20 - £12,000
As you can see these four items alone add up to a near £70k figure and taking a few more items such as loss of revenue from pitch hire etc into account the final figure will exceed £80k
Quite frankly as is the case with many other clubs the whole situation could be crippling and the oft used statement this week that the game might come out of this crisis in a stronger position is ‘pie in the sky’ at our level.
Taking all this into account and again as is the case with many clubs, the Directors of Forfar Athletic are entering into important and highly relevant discussions with the Management and Playing Staff about a potential re-structure of the wage bill with immediate effect and further comment on this will be forthcoming in due course.
Other measures to negate the impact have also been brought into force.
There are one or two ways in the short term that the supporters or friends of the club can assist.
First and foremost although we are not setting up a crowdfunding page on an official basis like some others, anyone who feels they may be in a position to help out in the short term financially through a donation is asked to make contact either by phone or email.
Purchase of shares. These are readily available at a minimum purchase of £200 x £1 shares and a reasonable level of support in this manner would undoubtedly help the cash flow scenario.
The club intends to introduce a new online lottery along similar lines to other Scottish clubs such as Kilmarnock, Cowdenbeath and Edinburgh City within the next two/three weeks, further and more detailed information to follow within the next seven days.
Support of this new venture especially if a longer term commitment is made will be a great boost.
Anyone who would like further information or who would like to support the club by a donation or purchase of shares or for that matter have any advice or ideas to assist in the short term should either email in the first instance
Forfar Athletic will pull through this crisis one way or another, the Directors give you their word on that, no matter how long it lasts and remember it could well run into next season as well.
What is more important however is that all our supporters, their families and friends remain in good health.
Keep safe and well and follow all the advice given.
C’mon the ‘Loons’
The Board of Directors – Forfar Athletic FC
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