Official Website
Of The Loons
The Directors held their now weekly meeting by video conference at the end of last week and as they endeavour to keep supporters as up to date as possible with their thoughts on club affairs and football in general, a briefing note is the order of the day.
Jimmy Farquhar – At the commencement of the meeting the Directors paid their own tributes to our Club President who sadly passed away last Wednesday.
League Reconstruction – It was decided to provide a yes vote in the Indicative Poll to the SPFL on the proposal of a 14/10/10/10 set up for the 2020/21 season. It is to be hoped that one way or another, this latest suggestion will bring an end to this elongated process which began in early April and still rumbles on.
2020/21 Season – Discussions are still ongoing as to a potential startup date for Leagues One and Two of the SPFL set up. It now looks as if Championship clubs are proposing a 27 game league campaign commencing on 17th October and this date has also certainly been mentioned at meetings of clubs in the lower two tiers.
It is to be hoped that by that time crowds of at least a few hundreds might be allowed to attend games but that is by no means a certainty.
Equally as worrying for part-time clubs are the protocols currently in place for even a resumption of training. It is estimated that it could take up to a minimum of six hours a week to carry out the testing process required and of course most part-time clubs do not even train for that length of time!
The ‘Loons’ board have submitted their application to the SPFL Trust for the £50,000 grant provided so generously through funding from Edinburgh based businessman James Anderson, but if the testing requirement remained in place for, say, the whole season, it would as has been widely reported in the press land clubs at our level with a £100,000 plus cost to fulfil the requirements.
The board are setting up a Cov 19 subcommittee to focus and oversee a potential return to training if and when possible and a similar group will be set up once full protocols have been received to focus on a potential return to playing organised football at our level.
Hopefully, the picture will become just a little clearer on the above fronts over the 10/14 days.
Playing Squad – At present as has been mentioned previously, five players are on contract for next season while a further ten of the squad have joined them at present on the furlough scheme. Like many other clubs at our level, it is very difficult in fact almost impossible to set budget figures for a forthcoming campaign for all the reasons listed above. Club officials who as ever will try and do the right thing for all concerned in what is an extremely fluid scenario have asked the players to be patient in the meantime and the same message is the only one that can be issued to the fans at this juncture.
Share Sales – Another couple of purchases have been made in recent weeks and the figure raised since a plea was issued in mid-April to fans to give the club financial support in this manner is now within a few hundred of the £20,000 mark. No target was set at the outset, but to be fair this figure is in all probability double what was hoped for and envisaged by the Directors. Thanks to all and anyone still wishing details should email
The Buy a Brick scheme is another alternative for supporters to back the club in current times, while the board are also looking at one of two other fundraisers for the après lockdown period and anyone with any thoughts on the matter should make contact with the club.
Season Tickets – This would normally be the time of year when season tickets would be going on sale. Despite the fact that some clubs mainly at a higher level it has to be said have gone ahead with sales, the ‘Loons’ Directors have decided this is not a feasible position to take at present with no idea of how many games supporters might be able to witness in person at Station Park over the next twelve months.
Certainly, when the time comes to put briefs on the market, ticket holders from the 2019/20 season renewing for the campaign ahead will be given the option of a small discount in lieu of the games that did not go ahead as scheduled in March and April.
A final thought – Hopefully a few other semblances of normality will return to our lives this coming week and all connected with the ‘Loons’ and many others clubs as well will hope for a SAFE return to Station Park for Officials, Players and Supporters before the end of a year none of us could ever have imagined or will forget.
In the meantime continue to stay safe and well.
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