Watch Forfar Athletic v Hibernian Live from Station Park
[Monday, 05 October 2020 14:00]

Watch Forfar Athletic v Hibernian Live from Station Park
We are pleased to confirm that we will be live streaming next Tuesday's Betfred Cup Group B match v Hibernian Football Club (13 October 2020) via our new Forfar Athletic TV platform.
This match will be available on a pay-per-view basis to all fans for £12.50. The rules of the competition mean that, as is the case in normal times, the gate receipts are split between both clubs.
The pay-per-view match package will be available in the next couple of days but in advance of that you can pre-register at the Forfar Athletic TV site as follows.
Register: You only need to register once and so if you watched the friendly v Brechin or the Forfar Farmington friendly you do not need to register again.
Please do NOT purchase the 24 hours £2 subscription option which may pop up when you register for the first time. As the name suggests this will only give you access to the friendly matches currently on the site for 24 hours.
The Forfar Athletic v Hibernian PPV £12.50 package will be available very soon. Further details will be posted once the PPV package is live.
Set-up: Once you have registered you can watch the friendly fixture v Brechin to test your set-up. This match is currently free to view. A number of improvements have been made since this test event including the scoreboard and team lines will be available on a ticker along the bottom of the screen at key points in the match. However, it should be noted that the overall feel of the event will be similar to this test event using the automated Pixellot camera system. We are currently also not able to offer commentary with the stream but there will be live ground sound. You will be able to pause and replay action during the live stream as you can on the recording.
Equipment: You will be able to live stream the match via an up to date laptop, Computer, smartphone or tablet. Please note that the quality of the Live stream will be dependent on the bandwidth and speed of your internet connection.
Further details to follow.